Conditions have allowed crews to begin the clean-up of least 33,000 cubic yards of mud and debris that came down after the last storm. Once the boulder was reduced to rubble on February 24, engineers surveyed the extent of damage and determined that retaining walls must be built in three locations, one specifically to replace guardrail and to rebuild the shoulder and lane where the road washed away. Rebuilding the shoulder and lane will take at least a month, once a design is in place.
Additionally, there are multiple locations throughout SR-27 that will require installation of debris flow barriers and installation of larger culverts. These improvements will help minimize the impacts of debris/mudflows on SR-27 due to the extensive burn scars in the canyon.
As it may take it several months before the road is fully open due to repair work, Southern California Edison will now undertake previously planned work to underground its utility lines. (More on partial opening plans later.) Additionally, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works wants to re-route a water main connection for the town that was exposed when the road washed away.
All mud and debris that came down onto the highway is being pushed to the side of the road and will be tested. Clean dirt will be sent to Oxnard farms for reuse. To date, all dirt has tested clean.
Caltrans is aiming to open one lane to essential business travel during dedicated times and with an escort and possibly shuttles to provide residents access once it’s deemed safe. Although reopening the roadway is dependent on cleanup, repair work and weather, Caltrans stands ready to execute this interim reopening plan in coordination with the CHP, utilities, and any affected public agencies as soon as it is safe to do so.
Caltrans recognizes the critical role these corridors play in the clean-up and recovery efforts for the residents and the public. The decision to reopen lanes must be a joint decision from all parties with a specific plan in place and with safety as the top consideration
For more news, updates and traffic conditions on PCH and other local beachside roads, Click Here.
For more news and updates on the Palisades Fire, Click Here.
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